Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chapter Book #14 "The Rules of Survival"

Written by Nancy Werlin
Published by Dial books/ Penguin Group   2006
Genre: Chapter book, Realistic Fiction
Theme:Family Relationships, Child Abuse,, Survival
Summary: This book deals with a very difficult topic, child abuse. Matt, a thirteen year old boy and his step-sister Callie spend parts of their childhood trying to protect their youngest sister Emmy from their abusive mother. While the children attempts to stay strong and find strength in one another, Nikki their mother constantly make their lives unbearable. Can they receive the help they need? Who should they turn to for help when the adults around them choose to ignore their plight?

Book usage: This book should be read by older children or adults. Read it during individual reading times.

Chapter Book # 13 "The Wall: Behind The Iron Curtain"

Written and Illustrated by Peter Sis
Published by Farrar, Stroux Giroux   2007
Awards:Caldecott Honor Book, Robert F. Sibert Informational book Medal Winner
Genres: Picture Story Book, Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction

Summary: Explore Czechoslovakia during the period when they were under Soviet rule. It is written through the eyes of the author as he grows from childhood to adulthood.

Book usage:Use this book as part of an intercurriculum study dealing with multicultures, history or Soviet reign. It is very informative and the author present the fact from the point of view of an adolescent boy.

Chapter Book #12 "Run Boy Run"

Written by Uri Orlev
Translated by Hillel Halkim
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company
Awards: Mildred L. Batchelder Award Winner   2004
Genre: Chapter book, Translated Book
Theme: Survival, Seperation, Jewish Persecution

Summary: This book explores the trial of a young boy who is a Polish Jew. He gets seperated from his family during the time of the Jewish round up in occupied Poland. Young Srulik takes off from his hometown in search of his family, but must overcome several obstacles along the way.

Book usage: Use this book as part of an intercurriculum lesson plan discussing the Jewish Holocaust and how it affected families throughout the world. It can be use to aid in studies on diversity.

Chapter book # 11 "We Are The Ship"

                                 Written and Illustrated by Kadir Nelson
     Published by Jump At The Sun/ Hyperion Book for Children 2008
                Genre: Chapter book, Informational Book
                Award: Robert F. Sibert Medal Winner  2009
                          Theme: Negro League Baseball

Summary:This is a book about Negro League Baseball. It discussed the problems encountered by African-Americans who simply wanted to play and work in a game or profession that would become known as "America's pasttime". Learn about players you may never have heard of, who endured alot and paved the way for baseball as we see it played today.
Book usage: Share this book with anyone who likes the history of baseball. Can be used as part of a lesson on multicultural studies or just enjoy it during individual reading time.

Picture Book #26 "A Splendid Friend, Indeed"

Written and Illustrated by Suzanne Bloom
Published by Boyd Mills Press, Inc.    2005
Genre: Picture book,    Fiction
Theme: Friendship

Summary: This a story of how even bothersome friends, can be special too. Its short, but nice, so enjoy.
Book usage: Use this book for family bonding time or with beginning readers.

Picture Book #25 " Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale"

                        Written and Illustrated by Mo Willems
                        Published by Hyperion Books    2004
                        Awards: Caldecott Honor Winner
                        Genre: Picture Story book,    Fiction
                        Theme: Family, Precious things
Summary: This is a book about a young girl's toy which was misplaced. Due to her not being able to talk, she tries everything she can think of to get through to her dad. Teaches a lesson, that new dads should be more careful.

Book usage: Read this story during family bonding time or as a bedtime story. Give it to a new parent as a reminder of things they should never forget.

Picture Book #24 "the Incredible Book Eating Boy"

                          Written and artwork by Oliver Jeffers
                          Published by Philomel Books    2006
                          Genre: Picture Story Book,     Fiction
                          Theme: Humor and knowledge

Summary: This book is about a boy who discovers a taste for eating books. During the process he gains knowledge from whatever he eats. That is until eating books makes him sick and he discovers how much fun reading them actually are.
Book usage: Enjoy this book during individual reading time or just for family bonding.

Picture Book #23 "Hurry and the Monarch"

Written by Antoine O'Flatharta
Illustrated by Meilo So
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House  2005
Genre: Picture story book      Realistic fiction
Theme: Monarch Butterflies

Summary: This book explores the migration path of a butterfly from Mexico to Canada. He meets Hurry, a tortoise and they become friends and more.
Book Usage: Use this book for individual reading. Its is a nice book to stimulate interest in butterflies or collecting.

Picture Book #22 "Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity"

Written and illustrated by Mo Willems
Published by Hyperion Books for Children    2007
Awards: Caldecott Honor book
Genre: Picture Book        Fiction
Theme: Show and tell

Summary: A neat little book about a girl who brought her favorite toy to school for show and tell. It gets switch with an identical toy, but she quickly realizes the difference.

Book Usage: Add this book to the classroom library for individual reading time or just enjoy it at home for a bedtime story. Its sure to bring a smile to a young child's heart.

Picture Book #21 "Leonardo Da Vinci"

Written by Diane Stanley
Art by Leonardo Da Vinci (notebooks) selected by D. Stanley
Published by William Morrow and Company    1996
Awards: Orbis Pictus Winner 1997
Genre: Picture Story Book,    Informational book, Biography
Theme: Leonardo Da Vinci

Summary: This is a biography about Leonardo Da Vinci. An exceptionally gifted artist and inventor. The book displays drawing from Da Vinci's personal notebooks and will surprise you with some fact you may not know.

Book usage: Use this book as part of a reading, history or art lesson. Great book for individual reading, especially for an aspiring artist.

Chapter Book #10 " Stinky Stern Forever"

Written and illustrated by Michelle Edwards
Published by Harcourt Book      2005
Award: Gryphon Award for Transitional books
Genre: Chapter Book  Fiction
Themes: Dealing with Death and Shock

Summary: This is a book about how a elementary class deals with the loss of a classmate. The narrator, a young girl witnesses the accident and struggles with how to deal with it after returning to school the next day and receiving the bad news.
Book Usage: Use this book for individual reading, but not for very young children due its main theme.

Chapter Book #9 " The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things"

Written by Carolyn Mackler
Publish by Candlewick Press 2003
Genre: Chapter Book     Realistic Fiction
Theme:Family, Self Esteem, Overweight

Summary: How does a young girl come to grip with the many problems that a teenager may face today.Virginia Shreves deals with trying to fit in with those around her, as she deals with being overweight. She struggles to find herself amongst family and friends as she discovers the person she wants to be.

Book usage: Add this book to your personal library for individual reading.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Picture Book # 20 " What! Cried Granny"

Written By Kate Lum
Illustrated by Adrian Johnson
Published by Dial Books for Young Readers 1999(United States)
            Bloomsbury Publishing PLC as "What!" (Great Britain)1998
Genre: Picture book     Fiction
Theme: Bedtime Story (almost)

Summary: This is a funny tale about an unprepared grandmother who hustles to get things ready for her grandson to go to bed. The question is, does she have enough time to do it all? 

Book usage: This is a wonderful book to get in one last laugh before bedtime. Enjoy!!!

Picture Book 19: "Are We There Yet?"

Written and Illustrated By Alison Lester
Published by Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 2005
                   Penguin Books Australia, 2004
Genre: Picture Story Book, Informational book
Theme: Family, Travel and Adventure

Summary: Enjoy this story about an Australian family who takes a semester out of conventional schools to explore Australia and learn more about the wonders in their country. Its an education that extends beyond the classroom.

Book usage: I would this book to my classroom library for individual reading time. It could also be incorporated into a lesson on Australia while discussing geography.                 


Picture book 18: "The Prince Won't Go To Bed

                                           Written By Dayle Ann Dodds
                              Illustrated by Krysten Brooker
                             Published by Melanie Kroupa Books 2007

Genre: Picture Story book   Fiction
Theme: Bedtime trials
Sumary: A wonderful tale of the efforts some people would go through in order to get a young child to go to sleep. Enjoy the extreme steps taken for young Prince and remember its the simplest thing that counts most.
Book usage: Use this book as a bedtime story and as reminder to keep things simple :o).

Picture book 17: Half a World Away

Written by Libby Gleeson
Illustrated by Freya Blackwood
Published by Authur A. Levine Books 2006
Genre: Picture Book, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Friendship and Adjusting to changes

Summary: How do a parent help a child adjust to a loved one moving away? Help them to remember the special things they shared with each other. Encourage them to remember that just because they are apart, that they are not forgotten.Enjoy this story about Amy and Louie and a special shared moment. 

Book Usage:Enjoy this book as a special bedtime story or read it aloud. Its important to children know that the people they care about who are not there, are still thinking about them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picture Book # 16 "The Apple Doll"

Written and illustrated by Elisa Kleven
Published by Farrar Straus Giroux  2007
Genre: Picture Story Book
Theme: Show and Tell, Preservation

Summary:This book describes an unique way a young girl found to adjust to beginning school for the first time. By being imaginative and carefree she met new friends and also provided new ideas for her classroom and teacher. 

Book usage: This book would be good to use in an elementary school classroom to introduce show and tell. It can also be used to demonstrate an art project.

Picture Book #15 "One City, Two Brothers"

Written by Chris Smith
Illustrated by Aurelia Fronty
Published by Barefoot Books 2007
Genre: Picture Story Book; Jewish fable; Arab folktale
Theme:Negotiation, Brotherly love

Summary: A folktale that describes how the historic city of Jerusalem possibly came to exist. Discover how two brothers put aside personal concerns in order to assist each other. What happens later when another set of brothers decide they cannot come to an accord after thier father's death? Who should they turn to and how do they maintain peace?

Book usage: This is a good tale that should be read to encourage multicultural studies. Read it as part of a class or group reading. It can also be used as part of a geography lesson or introduction.
Book usage:

Picture Book #14 "Madam President"

Written and illustrated by Lane Smith
Published in Hyperion Books for Children 2008
Genre: Picture Book; Fiction
Theme: Politics
Summary: What would You do if you were elected President of the United States? Would you follow the same path as those before you while governing. Would you be daring and blaze your own trail, establishing new posts and modifying offices to suit your plan. Enjoy this book and explore how a young girl becomes president and shows how it is done.

Book usage: Use this book during group reading time or as a general introduction to American politics.

Picture Book # 13 " Lemons Are Not Red"

Written and Illustrated by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Published by Roaring Book Press 2004
Genre: Picture Book; Concept
Theme: Color association

Summary: This picture book helps children learn colors by associating them with different objects. It uses cutouts and takes the reader into the world of what is not versus what they are.

Book usage: This is a good book to introduce in kindergarten or at home during family reading time. It will aid children in identifying colors with the help of recognizable shapes and objects.

Chapter book # 8 " Roxie and The Hooligans

Written by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Illustrated by Alexander Boiger
Published By Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division 2006
Genre: Chapter Book; Fiction
Theme: Bullying, Survival and Adventure

Summary: Roxie uses the things she loves the most to help her survive being bullied by other kids at her school. Several kids find themselves in more trouble than they can handle and Roxie takes charge and lead them through it.

Book usage: This book is good for individual reading time. Boys and girls alike would enjoy this book as it contains humor and the adventure moves at a steady pace.

Chapter Book #7 "The Fairies of Nutfolk Wood"

Written by Barb Bentler Ullman
Jacket art by August Hall; Designed by Hillary Zarycky
Published by HarperCollins Publishers 2006
Genre: Chapter book; Modern Fantasy
Theme: Magic, Divorce, Nature

Summary: This is a story of a young girl who is led or guided by unknown forces to the one place she needs to adjust to the divorce of her parents. She meets new people young and old who helps to restore her health and provide a sense of adventure and mystery to her new life.

Book usage: A wonderful book for individual reading. A touch of realism blended into folktales that will give the reader a hope of something wonderful that yearns to be discovered.

Chapter book # 6 "Out of The Dust"

Written by Karen Hesse
Cover designed by Elizabeth B. Parisi
Published by Scholastic Press 1997
Genre: Chapter Book, Historical Fiction
Award: Newberry Medal 1998; Scott O'Dell Award 1998
Theme: Tragedy, Depression, Natural Disasters, Restoration

Summary: Billy Jo, a fourteen year old girl being raised in Oklahoma during the mid 1930s, shares her experiences during a troubled period of American history.The setting, written about a period referred to as "The Dust Bowl" adds a sense of dread and hopelessness, which helps the reader identify with the plight of Billy Jo. How can a young girl endure so much and still maintain the strength to grow and not lose faith in life? Will the ever present dust continue to shape the course of Billy Jo's life?

Book usage: This book should be used in middle or high school as part of the curriculum of a Social Studies class. It will help children understand the hardships encountered by farmers as they struggle to survive personal, financial and natural hardships to grow the crops necessary to feed others.

Picture book #12 "Cendrillon"

Written by Robert D. San Souci
lllustrated by Brian Pinkney
Edited by Simon and Schuster 1998
Genre: Picture Story book, Folk Tale
Themes: Fantasy, Step-parent and child relationships

Summary:This book is a variation of the traditional folk tale of Cinderella, narrated by a Caribbean godmother. Told through a different point of view and expressed in a different culture, it adds humor to the original Cinderella.

Book usage: Use this book as part of a group reading to introduce different cultures and points of view.


Chapter Book #5 " A Season of Gifts"

Written by Richard Peck
Illustrated by Brandon Dorman
Edited by Dial Books/ Penguin Young Readers Group 2009
Genre: Chapter Book, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Bonding, Religion, Bullying and Acceptance

Summary: " A Season of Gifts" is about the relationship between an eccentric elderly lady and a family that recently moved into town. Mrs. Dowdel is a polarizing force in town and everyone has their own opinion of her. Some are intimidated, but they all respect her. Explore the plots within plots as she maintains order.

Book Usage: A great use for this book is family reading time, or individual reading. The narrator is a ten year old boy so an appreciation of humor and sarcasm makes this book an interesting read when seen through his eyes. A good book to help children transition into new environments and help ease possible anxieties. 

Picture book #11 "George Did It"

Written by Suzanne Tripp Jurmain
Illustrated by Larry Day
Editor: Dutton Children's Books/ The Penguin Group 2006
Genre: Picture Story Book, Historical Fiction
Theme: Politics, Humor, Anxiety

Summary: A story about why George Washington did the things he did. Was it because of curiosity? Maybe he was just being daring and feeling adventurous. What comes to mind when you think of something the first President of the United States is known for? Now read the book and experience another side of George Washington.
Book Usage: Use this book to introduce your students or children to a portion of American History. It could be used as an introduction before beginning the topic with traditional textbooks.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Picture Book #10 "Fathers, Mothers, Sisters and Brothers

Written by Mary Ann Hoberman
Illustrated by Marylin Hafner
Published by Little, Brown and Company 1991
Genre: Picture book          Poems
Theme: Family, teasing

Summary: A collection of witty poems that pokes fun at being a member of a family. It uses humor to express how children feel in certain roles they experience while growing up.

Book usage: Use this book as an introduction to poetry or just as a part of family reading time. Read with enthusiasm, they may cause giggles so I recommend choosing a time when it can be read out loud.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Picture book #9 "Grandfather's Journey"

                            Written and illustrated by Allen Say
                     Published by Houghton Mifflin Company 1993
                                                    Picture Story book
                             Caldecott Medal Winner 1994
                                       Theme: Travel

Characters: Grandfather and his grandson (narrator)
Summary: A japanese boy speaks of the places his grandfather visited and came to love. The boy picks up the same desire as his grandpa and learns how it feels to long for something old and new.
Book usage: This is a good book to use for young readers, to introduce them to different cultures. For children who are a little older the pictures in the story can be used to briefly touch on different occurrences in Japanese and American history.

Chapter book #4 " The Last Dragon"

Written by Silvana De Mari
Jacket illustrated by Chelushkin
Translated by Shaun Whiteside (originally in Italian)
Published by Miramax books 2006
Genre:Fiction   Fairy Tale
Theme: Dreams of freedom
Characters: Yorsh, Sajra, Monser, Erbow, Robi, judge administrator, Cala, Phlesh, Slump 

Summary: This is the story of an elf persecuted for what he is and a people who are persecuted by a terrible ruler. Orphans who find happiness and hope in discovering each and the desire of a better life. Through sacrifice and belief in each other they are able to make their dreams come true.

Book usage:  This is a great book for older kids who believe in dreams. It allows readers to explore their minds and imagine a world where dreams come true. Stories become real and hope is everlasting. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chapter Book #3 " Bud, Not Buddy"

Written by Christopher Paul Curtis
cover illustrated by Ernie Norcia
Published by Delacorte Press, division Of Random House
Genre: Chapter book- Non Fiction
Awards: Newberry Medal-Honor Book Winner 2000
             Coretta Scott King Award Winner 2000
Themes: Foster care; Family; tragedy
Characters: Bud, the Amoses, Lefty Lewis, Deza, Herman E. Calloway, Miss Thomas, Mr. Jimmy, DooDoo-Bug, Thug, Steady Eddie and Dirty Deed

Summary: A young boy decides to set off on his own, in search of his father, after another bad experience with a foster family. Along the way he is guided by a set rules he created through his own experiences. Each of "Bud Caldwell's Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself" is entertaining and are words to live by.

Book usage: This book is a very enjoyable one to read. It uses comedy to lighten moments of difficulties that people may experience in their lives. Even though it was set in a difficult point in U.S. history it shows how compassion can be found even in the midst of hardships.

Chapter Book #2 "Wringer"

                                  Written by Jerry Spinelli
                       Published by HarperCollins Publishers 1998
                              Genre: Chapter book- Fiction
                        Awards: Newberry Medal Honor Book 1998

Themes: Friendship, Moral dilemma
Characters: Palmer, his mom and dad, Friends- Beans, Mutto, Henry, Dorothy and Nipper

Summary: A young boy is dreading reaching puberty because it will force him to particpate in a tradition that scarred him along time ago. Before he can figure out a way from being involved, he first has to discover the true meaning of friendship. Along the way, he discovers the people who would help him decide were a couple he dreaded sharing his secret with.

Book usage: This book will help teach the process of choosing between the moral right thing to do or easy wrong. It teaches how someone can stand up for themselves and others, even if it is not popular to do so. 

Chapter book #1 " Heaven"

                              Written By Angela Johnson   

                       Published by Simon & Schuster 1998 
                       Chapter Book- Fiction
                       Awards: Corretta Scott King 1999

Themes: Family and relationships
Characters: Marley, Momma & Pops, Uncle Jack, Shoogy, the Maples, Bobby and Feather

Summary: A story of a teenage girl who discovers those around her may not be who she think they are. While trying to make sense of things she draws upon the experiences she viewed from watching her friends as they deal with issues of their own.

Book usage:  This book gives insight to why people may make decisions and some of the affects of those decisions. It alludes to some of the emotional pain and suffering that is prevalent in some people's lives, even today.

Picture Story #7 " Gone Wild; An Endangered Animal Alphabet"

Picture Book authored and illustrated by David McLimans
Published by Walker Publishing Company 2006
Awards: Caldecott Honor book
Theme: Alphabet
Characters: Endangered Animals
Summary: Illustrations, drawings or computer representations of animals representing each letter of the alphabet.
Book usage: A way to help young kids learn the alphabet by giving them animals to associate with them. Will also foster an interest in learning more about wild life.

Picture Book #8 "Leonardo the Terrible Monster"

Picture story book written and illustrated by Mo Williems
Published by Hyperion Books 2005
Theme: Friendship
Characters: Leonardo, Sam

Summary: Leonardo is having a hard time figuring out what is more important in life. On his journey to find a way to be more like his brother and sister, he finds something a whole lot better.

Book usage: A simple way of promoting good behavior towards each other.

Picture Book #6 " He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"

Picture Story Book of a Spiritual
Author: Unknown                                      Illustrated by Nadir Nelson
Published by the Penguin Group 2005

Summary: A spiritual brought to life through the usage of drawings of an African American family's experiences.

Book usage: A pictorial tool used to help kids learn a song by giving them something visual while they learn the words.


Picture Book #5 "The Top Job"

Written by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Illustrated by Robert Neubecker
Published by the Penguin Group 2007
Picture Story Book
Theme: Story telling, show and tell.
Characters: a little girl, her dad, Mrs. Feeney-teacher, little girl's classmates.

Summary: This is a story about children telling the exploits of their parent's jobs. Some of the parent's jobs are unique, but one in particular is extraordinary because of its unique environments.

Book usage: It will help children learn that even things that looks and sound ordinary, can be full of adventure. They can find a source of pride in anything, when seen through the right perspective.

Picture Book #4: "Henry's Freedom Box"

written by Ellen Levine                               illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Picture story book- Historical Non-fiction
Published by Scholastic Inc. 2007
Theme: Slavery
Characters: Henry Brown, his mother, Wife-Nancy, three children, friend James, Dr. Smith.

Summary: Based on a true story about a young slave boy and the things he endured before experiencing freedom as an adult. It demonstrates the length or extremes people were willing to attempt in order to become free.

Book usage: A simplified way to introduce young readers to the tragedy of slavery and African American history. It briefly touches on the Underground Railroad as well.

Picture Book #3 " Polar Bear Nights"

Picture Story book
written by Lauren Thompson           illustrated by Stephen Savage
published by Scholastic Inc. in 2004 
Theme: adventure
Summary: A young polar cub sets out to explore the world around her.
 A good bedtime story to help a young child explore their own world through dreams, in the comfort of home.

Picture Book #2 In Daddy's Arms I AM TALL

Picture book of Poetry
Written by various African American Authors like Dakari Hru, Dinah Johnson and including Illustrator Javaka Steptoe.
Published and Edited by Lee and Low books in 1997.
Awards: Corretta Scott King Illustrator 1998
             1997 Reading Magic award

Theme: Dedication of poems to positive fathers and those who are willing to assume the role in children's lives.

Summary: A wonderful assortment of poems written in a variety of styles. The illustrations are amazing in form and context. They make the book worthwhile all by themselves :o). While several of the poems are geared towards African American fathers they really are an appreciation of strong father figures everywhere.
Picture Book #1  

Grandfather Buffalo by Jim Arnosky
Illustrated/designed by Gunta Alexander
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons  2006
Genre: Picture Book      Youth Fiction.
Theme: Dealing with the elderly.
Characters: Grandfather Buffalo, newborn calf
Summary: This is a story about an elderly buffalo that still travelled with a herd. Due to his age he often lagged behind while the herd moved on. He displayed determination and that he was still capable of fulfilling a role within the herd.
Book use: 
This book will help children learn that because someone is older or elderly, they can still be helpful. Instead of pushing the elderly aside they can be turned to as a source of comfort and wisdom.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


 I hope anyone stopping by this page will feel free to make suggestions of any books they find fascinating. Please give a brief description of the book and why you think others may find it enjoyable. Please be respectful of others and their opinions at all times. Thank you for contributing to an enjoyable experience.